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Do looks matter?

Hi everyone,

Do looks matter? Well, you all know the answer our role models may tell us. It's what's on the inside that counts! And yes, yes it is. Not taking away from the importance of being a good person. HOWEVER, we are in the beauty industry and if you are the one doing the service you are acting as a model for your service. Whether it is nails, hair, or eyelashes, you are your own advertisement.

What it says about you when you are not put together - you don’t care. Yeah sure, maybe you do care and I'm sure there are reasons you don’t have this done on yourself. However, you are helping those people who make those same excuses. In an industry where 90% of sales are based off people treating themselves, you are showing them the door to excuses. The majority of your clients want to feel pretty, want to feel put together. That is why, when they come to you they truly care and are affected by what YOU look like and your reasons for looking that way.

I think the majority of you underestimate how much you influence your clients. They come to you because they trust you, they know you are good at what you do. With that trust comes a lot of power. I have seen it loads of times where your client gets what you have or something close. Seeing someone pull it off right before they get it done, helps.

I say all this with love, we can all improve in different ways. Who knows, maybe that way is improving your service on yourself and making that time for you and your business.

Elise xox

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