A Tool to Have in Your Back Pocket
Hi Everyone,
Do you have a business card? Should you? A business card is not something the client always thinks about getting after their service. However, a business card is something that could go a very long way if passed onto the right individual. The perk about getting business cards is that you get a lot at a decent price, so much that it would be silly not to hand them to everyone and anyone.
Giving out a business card can create a first impression as well as a lasting impression. You come across as organized and professional when handing someone a business card. This shows that you are prepared and it also gives people the belief that you will follow up when they reach out - which hopefully is accurate!

Let's not forget that social media is one of the biggest business tools for this industry, people love to look at pictures of services! Sometimes asking your clients to follow you on facebook and Instagram can be impersonal and ineffective. Giving them a business card initiates that hand to hand exchange, making it more personal. After this warmer interaction they look at your card and what do they see, HOW TO FOLLOW YOU! Amazing, I know! Seriously, I am way more likely to go home and follow people when I have it in front of me, visuals are easier. Especially if it is a new client, I know for me it is a lot easier to forget someone's name unless I see it. So if I see your name whenever I open my wallet, or maybe it is on my dresser, in my pocket, whatever it is - it is bound to show up more than not having the card would.
And lastly, business cards float around. When passing it to someone they may go home, add you to their social media - after all they loved your service. Then later their friend mentions to them that they love their nails, hair, etc and what are they likely to do?? Pass your card! It doesn't have to end, business cards allow potential for new clients as well as retaining older clients.
If you decide this is something you want, spend the extra dollar on it because you want it to be one that represents you. Presentation is everything so make sure you have the right look, feel and information on your business card.
Hope to see more of your cards out there,
Elise xox