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How to Get Beach Ready Feet

Now that Summer is finally here in Nova Scotia, many of us want to show off our heels and sandals which means... showing out feet! When was the last time you really took care of your feet?

We put our feet through the ringer everyday, but they are one part of our body we all tend to forget about when it comes to care. Here's the thing... we can change that really quick! By creating a foot-care routine you can do all year round, your feet will be dancing away on the beaches all summer long!

So, lets dive into the things you really want to do when it comes to foot care and getting your feet summer ready.

Exfoliate: Get rid of dead skin!

We want smooth and baby-soft feet, and to achieve that you need to scrub (exfoliate) them! Try using granular scrubs that are infused with nourishing oils to assist in deep hydration. I recommend LCN's Exfoliating Cream (100 mL) to really improve hydration. This cream contains Algae and Green tea to also assist in detoxifying the skin.

Lush also makes a great foot mask called Volcano. Like a volcano ready to erupt, this foot mask from Lush is extremely fierce. A blend of kaolin and pumice fill in cracks and aid sore calluses while papaya, lemon juice, tomatoes, and potatoes assist anti-fungal oils to wipe feet clean of any obnoxious odors.

I know this next little bit will sound strange, but wearing exfoliating foot socks are an amazing way for those who have seriously dry feet. Something like Baby Foot: Deep Skin Exfoliation use 17 kinds of natural extracts which exfoliate and moisturize at the same time.

Those socks may look a little weird, but they are extremely effective for rough skin. All you have to do is slip the socks on your feet, sit back for about 30 minutes, then remove. In a few days (usually about a week) you will start to see dead skin will peel and you'll soon have baby soft feet! You can also soak your feet prior to slipping the socks on. This helps soften the skin for the extracts to really sink in.

Foot Files

At home pedicures are always in need of a good foot file. These are like heavy duty exfoliators for your feet and are perfect for extremely dry areas. However ,it is CRUCIAL you use them correctly and with care.

It is extremely important that you always file feet when the skin is dry, before you shower. The minute your skin gets wet you are unable to tell which areas are dry and need to be filed. Bathing also softens and weakens the tissues, making the cracks in the skin more likely to open. Plus, the file wont adhere well to wet skin.

Moisturize and Hydrate!

Once you've done the above to remove any dead/dry skin you need to make sure your new smooth skin is and stays hydrated! Regular body lotion doesn't quite do the trick, so get yourself some foot lotion.

You would never (or we hope you would never...) exfoliate your face without applying a face moisturizer, so that same rule applied to your feet. The skin on your feet however is about 12 times thicker than that of the rest of the body, which is why a body lotion will not work.

Always keep an eye our for ingredients like Urea. It's super-hydrating and really targets stubborn and cracked areas on the skin.

O'Keeffe's for Healthy Feet Instantly boost moisture levels, prevents further moisture loss and creates a protective barrier on the skins surface.

And LCN's Urea 10% Foot Cream is the ultimate foot hydrating product. It provides intense moisture & has anti-inflammatory effects. This creamy texture is easy to distribute and absorbs quickly into the skin.

Feet Swell!

Make sure to soak your feet in warm salty water and be sure to use dead sea salt, not table salt as it contains zinc and magnesium which have healing properties and help relieve tired & sore muscles. The hot summer weather on top of footwear that suffocates feet lead to hot and swollen feet- which isn't the best when you have a new pair of sandals you wanna wear!

LCN's Foot Bath is a deodorizing and stimulating foot soak. It is refreshing and deodorizing treat for the feet! Not only does it offer a great clean feeling, but LCN Foot Bath goes even further with an anti-fungal ingredient to help keep your feet fungus free! It’s the perfect all in one foot treatment!

Now, give yourself a little at home pedicure and get those feet ready for the summer!

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